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Our previous study showed that relatively low-intensity (approximately 50% one-repetition maximum [1RM]) resistance training (knee extension) with slow movement and tonic force generation (LST) caused as significant an increase in muscular size and strength as high-intensity (approximately 80% 1RM) resistance training with normal speed (HN). However, that study examined only local effects of one type of exercise (knee extension) on knee extensor muscles. The present study was performed to examine whether a whole-body LST resistance training regimen is as effective on muscular hypertrophy and strength gain as HN resistance training. Thirty-six healthy young men without experience of regular resistance training were assigned into three groups (each n = 12) and performed whole-body resistance training regimens comprising five types of exercise (vertical squat, chest press, latissimus dorsi pull-down, abdominal bend, and back extension: three sets each) with LST (approximately 55-60% 1RM, 3 seconds for eccentric and concentric actions, and no relaxing phase); HN (approximately 80-90% 1RM, 1 second for concentric and eccentric actions, 1 second for relaxing); and a sedentary control group (CON). The mean repetition maximum was eight-repetition maximum in LST and HN. The training session was performed twice a week for 13 weeks. The LST training caused significant (p < 0.05) increases in whole-body muscle thickness (6.8 +/- 3.4% in a sum of six sites) and 1RM strength (33.0 +/- 8.8% in a sum of five exercises) comparable with those induced by HN training (9.1 +/- 4.2%, 41.2 +/- 7.6% in each measurement item). There were no such changes in the CON group. The results suggest that a whole-body LST resistance training regimen is as effective for muscular hypertrophy and strength gain as HN resistance training.
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Division of Health Promotion and Exercise, National Institute of Health and Nutrition, Tokyo, Japan;
Consolidated Research
Institute for Advanced Science and Medical Care, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan;
Faculty of Sports Sciences, Waseda
University, Tokorozawa, Japan; and
Department of Life Sciences Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan
Tanimoto, M, Sanada, K, Yamamoto, K, Kawano, H, Gando,
Y, Tabata, I, Ishii, N, and Miyachi, M. Effects of whole-body
low-intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic
force generation on muscular size and strength in young men.
J Strength Cond Res 22(6): 1926–1938, 2008—Our previous
study showed that relatively low-intensity (~50% one-repetition
maximum [1RM]) resistance training (knee extension) with slow
movement and tonic force generation (LST) caused as
significant an increase in muscular size and strength as high-
intensity (~80% 1RM) resistance training with normal speed
(HN). However, that study examined only local effects of one
type of exercise (knee extension) on knee extensor muscles.
The present study was performed to examine whether a whole-
body LST resistance training regimen is as effective on
muscular hypertrophy and strength gain as HN resistance
training. Thirty-six healthy young men without experience of
regular resistance training were assigned into three groups
(each n = 12) and performed whole-body resistance training
regimens comprising five types of exercise (vertical squat, chest
press, latissimus dorsi pull-down, abdominal bend, and back
extension: three sets each) with LST (~55–60% 1RM,
3 seconds for eccentric and concentric actions, and no relaxing
phase); HN (~80–90% 1RM, 1 second for concentric and
eccentric actions, 1 second for relaxing); and a sedentary
control group (CON). The mean repetition maximum was eight-
repetition maximum in LST and HN. The training session was
performed twice a week for 13 weeks. The LST training caused
significant (p, 0.05) increases in whole-body muscle
thickness (6.8 6 3.4% in a sum of six sites) and 1RM strength
(33.0 6 8.8% in a sum of five exercises) comparable with those
induced by HN training (9.1 6 4.2%, 41.2 6 7.6% in each
measurement item). There were no such changes in the CON
group. The results suggest that a whole-body LST resistance
training regimen is as effective for muscular hypertrophy and
strength gain as HN resistance training.
KEY WORDS resistance training regimens, muscular
hypertrophy, continuous muscular activity, intramuscular hypoxic
Resistance training at medium-to-high intensity
(~80% one-repetition maximum [1RM]) is gen-
erally regarded as optimal for increasing muscular
size and strength (21,23,32). It has been reported
that resistance training at intensities lower than 65% 1RM is
virtually ineffective for increasing muscular size and strength
(6). Therefore, large mechanical stress has often been con-
sidered essential for increasing muscular size and strength.
However, the concept of enhancing exercise movement
variation was not explored in these studies. When exercise
movement is devised to place muscles under continuous
tension throughout the exercise movement, resistance train-
ing, even with low-intensity loads of less than 65% 1RM, may
cause muscular hypertrophy and increase strength.
The results of our previous study indicated that a 12-week
program of relatively low-intensity (~50% 1RM) resistance
training with slow movement and tonic force generation
(3 seconds for eccentric and concentric actions, 1-second
pause and no relaxing phase; designated as LST) for knee
extensor muscles caused significant increases in muscular size
(~5% gain in cross-sectional area) and strength (~10% gain in
Address correspondence to Michiya Tanimoto,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2008 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
maximum voluntary contraction [MVC], 30% gain in 1RM)
in young men. The effects of muscular size and strength gains
in LST were comparable with those seen in traditional high-
intensity (~80% 1RM) resistance training with normal speed
(1 second for concentric and eccentric actions, and 1 second
for relaxing: HN) (37). The LST exercise movement was
configured to achieve continuous force generation through-
out the exercise movement. Continuous force generation
at . 40% MVC has been shown to suppress both blood
inflow to and outflow from the muscle because of an increase
in intramuscular pressure (5,19). Therefore, LST training is
expected to restrict muscular blood flow during exercise
movement. Resistance training regimens with restricted
muscular blood flow were considered to induce increases
in muscular size and strength likely mediated by the
following processes attributable to oxygen insufficiency in
muscle: (a) stimulated secretion of growth hormone (GH) by
intramuscular accumulation of metabolic byproducts, such as
lactate (33); (b) moderate production of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) promoting tissue growth (18,35); and (c)
additional recruitment of fast-twitch fibers in a hypoxic
condition (30,36).
However, our previous study examined only local effects (in
knee extensor muscles) in one type of exercise (knee
extension) training using LST. We had no information
regarding the systemic effects of whole-body resistance
training using LST. Single-joint exercises with exercise
machines, such as knee extension and biceps curl, are
considered more appropriate for LST to place specific
muscles under continuous tension throughout the exercise
movement than multijoint exercises, such as squat and chest
press. Most single-joint exercise machines are designed to
maintain almost-constant joint torque at any joint position.
Therefore, we adopted knee extension exercise with a knee
extension machine for the experimental exercise in our
previous study (37). However, a whole-body resistance
training program consisting of only single-joint exercises may
not be realistic or appropriate. Multijoint exercises usually
recruit one or more large muscle area as agonist muscles and
some other muscles as coacting muscles, whereas single-joint
exercises usually isolate a specific muscle or muscle group.
Also, most sport and daily performance movements consist
of multijoint movements. The more similar the training
activity is to the actual sport and daily performance
movements, the greater the likelihood that there will be
a positive transfer to these movements (i.e., the specificity
concept) (9,24). Therefore, multijoint exercises are consid-
ered more important for improving sport and daily
performance than single-joint exercise.
In the present study, we investigated systemic effects,
including changes in whole-body fat-free mass (FFTM) and
percent body fat, of a long-term (13 weeks) whole-body LST
training program consisting mainly of multijoint exercises on
muscular size and strength. The results show that a whole-
body LST training program caused increases in muscular
size and strength as effectively as normal high-intensity
Experimental Approach to the Problem
This study was designed to examine whether a whole-body
resistance training regimen with the LST method (using
a relatively low-intensity load with slow movement and tonic
force generation—3 seconds for concentric and eccentric
actions and no relaxing phase), as a training prescription
program for the real field, is as effective on muscular
hypertrophy and strength gain as resistance training with
the HN method (a traditional method using a relatively high-
intensity load with normal speed—1 second for concentric and
eccentric actions and 1 second for relaxing). After providing
informed consent, subjects were assigned to three experi-
mental groups (LST training group, HN training group, and
CON [no-training control group], n = 12 for each group) for
this study. Subjects in the training groups (LST and HN)
performed whole-body resistance training regimens consist-
ing of five types of exercise by each resistance training
method. Subjects performed each type of exercise with eight-
repetition maximum (8RM) intensity. Exercise intensities on
LSTand HN were adjusted to the 8RM intensity. Mechanical
load in LST training was much lower than that in HN
training (~55–60% 1RM in LST vs. ~80–90% 1RM in
HN).The difference of mechanical load between the two
groups with the same 8RM intensities may be attributable to
the difference in the type of movement. The training sessions
were performed twice a week for 13 weeks.
We compared measurements of acute and chronic changes
in LSTand HN to investigate the physiological characteristics
and evaluate the effects of muscular hypertrophy and strength
gain of whole-body resistance training with the LST method.
As acute changes in physiological parameters during exercise,
we measured electromyographic (EMG) signals, peripheral
muscle oxygenation level, blood lactate concentration, and
blood pressure. As chronic changes after the training, we
measured muscle thickness (MT) and subcutaneous fat
thickness (SFT) using B-mode ultrasound, lean soft-tissue
mass (LSTM: body mass minus bone mass minus fat mass),
fat mass, and bone mineral density (BMD) using dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and 1RM strength in the five
types of exercise used in the training regimen. These were
measured before and after the training period.
Thirty-six healthy young men who did not have experience of
regular resistance training volunteered as subjects. The
subjects were randomly assigned into three experimental
groups (n = 12 for each group: LST, HN, and CON,
described below), which were matched for physical
parameters, such as height, weight, and age (Table 1). All
subjects were advised to maintain their usual dietary habits
and not to make any intentional changes such as protein
VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 6 | NOVEMBER 2008 | 1927
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Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
supplement intake or increasing the amount of intake or
number of meals a day, to avoid nutritional influence. All
subjects were fully informed about the experimental
procedures to be used as well as the purpose of the study,
and they gave their written informed consent before
participating in the study. The study was approved by the
ethics committee for human experiments at the National
Institute of Health and Nutrition.
Resistance Training Regimens
The subjects in each training group performed whole-body
resistance training regimens consisting of five types of
exercise: vertical squat, chest press, latissimus dorsi pull-
down, abdominal bend, and back extension. All of these
exercises were performed using resistance exercise machines
(Cybex Corp. USA for vertical squat; Nautilus Corp. USA for
chest press, abdominal bend, and back extension; and Senoh
Corp. Japan for latissimus dorsi pull-down); these machine
exercises were considered easier to perform than free weight
resistance exercises because of balance and coordination
recruitment. The subjects performed their whole-body resis-
tance training according to the following training regimens.
The LST group exercised at low intensity (~55–60% of
1RM), with slow movement and tonic force generation
(3 seconds for concentric [lifting phase] and eccentric [low-
ering phase] actions, and no relaxing phase). In the vertical
squat, chest press, and latissimus dorsi pull-down, the subjects
did not extend their legs or arms fully, to maintain continuous
tension in the muscles throughout the exercise movement.
The HN group exercised at high intensity (~80–90%
1RM), with normal speed (1 second for concentric and
eccentric actions, and 1 second for relaxing).
The CON group served as the no-training control. The
training session consisted of the five types of exercise
described above, and each subject performed one warm-up
set and three regular sets for each type of exercise, with an
interset rest period of 60 seconds. A 3-minute rest period was
taken between exercise events. The training session was
performed twice a week for 13 weeks. The first 2 weeks were
a preparation period, during which the subjects gradually
increased the training volume and intensity, and in 2 weeks
they reached regular volume and intensity. Subjects in both
training groups (LST and HN) repeated the movement at
approximately constant speed and frequency with the aid of
a metronome. The subjects repeated the movement until
exhaustion (repetition maximum [RM]) at each exercise set.
The exercise intensity was determined at 8RM for each set but
not at % 1RM, because the former method is more commonly
used in actual exercise training. The intensity was adjusted in
all training sessions based on the record of the previous
training session. The intensities used in the LST and HN
groups (8RM) in the first set corresponded to about 55–60%
1RM and about 85–90% 1RM, respectively (Table 2). In the
HN group, the subjects performed the same RM (8RM) as in
the LST group: that is, the same RM-based intensity. The
difference in % 1RM intensities between the LST and HN
groups may have been attributable to the difference in type of
exercise movement. The exercise intensities actually used in
both training groups are summarized in Table 2.
Acute Changes in Physiological Parameters During Exercise.
Electromyographic signals, peripheral muscle oxygenation
level, blood lactate concentration, and blood pressure were
measured during and after exercise to investigate the
characteristics of these trainings. Electromyographic signals
were measured to confirm muscle continuous activity in LST,
because muscle continuous activity may lead to a decrease in
peripheral muscle oxygenation level, and decreases in muscle
oxygenation level during exercise movement may lead to
increases in blood lactate concentration. Muscle oxygenation,
which was the primary measurement element, could be
measured only in limb muscles. Of the five types of exercise,
only vertical squat limb muscles were mobilized as agonist
muscles. Blood pressure was measured from the radial artery
with the upper-body muscles kept relaxed. Of the five types
of exercise, only vertical squat was performed with the
upper-body muscles kept relaxed. Thus, EMG signal,
muscle oxygenation, and blood pressure were measured
during and after vertical squats, and the results were used as
TABLE 1. Physical characteristics of the subjects.
Pretraining Posttraining Pretraining Posttraining Pretraining Posttraining
Age (y) 19.0 6 0.6 19.5 6 0.5 19.8 60.7
Height (cm) 174.1 6 5.5 174.8 6 4.3 174.3 67.2
Body mass (kg) 62.5 6 4.8 64.1 6 5.2 63.8 6 4.0 65.3 6 4.3 64.2 6 4.0 64.7 63.9
Values are mean 6 SD ;n = 12 for each group.
LST = low-intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation; HN = high-intensity resistance training with
normal speed; CON = sedentary controls.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Effects of Whole-Body LST Training
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
TABLE 2. One-repetition maximum and exercise intensity during the experimental period.
Pretraining LST 7th week 13th week Pretraining HN 7th week 13th week Pretraining
CON 7th
week 13th week
Vertical squat
1RM (kg) 106.5 6 22.8 122.1 6 22.9* 136.4 6 20.5†‡ 105.1 6 16.1 125.2 6 17.4* 136.5 6 20.4† § 113.7 6 16.3 112.9 617.8
set (kg)
70.9 6 22.8 82.4 6 8.5 111.3 6 17.4 121.9 618.8
% 1RM 59.0 6 5.8 60.8 6 5.8 88.7 6 4.1 89.4 64.2
Chest press
1RM (kg) 46.1 6 10.4 56.1 6 11.3* 62.0 6 12.3†‡ 41.3 6 5.4 49.7 6 8.5* 55.1 6 9.1† § 46.1 6 10.0 47.3 611.1
set (kg)
30.8 6 5.7 35.3 6 6.3 40.5 6 6.1 46.9 67.3
% 1RM 55.3 6 5.6 57.3 6 5.9 81.9 6 5.4 85.2 63.5
Lat pull-down
1RM (kg) 42.7 6 6.7 56.3 6 7.4* 62.0 6 8.2†‡ 39.6 6 7.2 50.4 6 6.9* 55.7 6 9.0† § 47.7 6 6.9 48.9 67.3
set (kg)
32.9 6 3.3 35.3 6 6.3 41.7 6 5.8 46.7 67.3
% 1RM 59.0 6 5.9 57.3 6 5.9 82.7 6 3.9 83.9 64.2
Abdominal bend
1RM (kg) 57.8 6 8.1 74.5 6 11.9* 82.0 6 13.7†‡ 59.3 6 8.8 78.5 6 10.6* 90.4 6 13.4† § 66.4 6 7.9 67.1 68.5
set (kg)
40.1 6 5.2 45.4 6 5.2 69.8 6 9.3 79.9 69.8
% 1RM 54.4 6 5.6 56.0 6 6.4 89.0 6 3.4 88.8 64.7
Back extension
1RM (kg) 63.8 6 6.9 81.7 6 11.1* 98.4 6 14.1†‡ 61.5 6 10.0 94.7 6 20.9* 113.0 6 13.5† §k 70.0 6 16.4 72.4 616.2
set (kg)
48.8 6 7.9 58.9 6 9.5 79.5 6 18.9 96.6 611.9
% 1RM 59.7 6 5.1 60.0 6 6.8 83.7 6 3.7 85.5 61.7
Values are mean 6 SD ;n = 12 for each group. One-repetition maximum in the 13th week was measured after completion of the 13-week training period (posttraining).
LST = low-intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation; HN = high-intensity resistance training with normal speed; CON = sedentary controls;
1RM = one-repetition maximum.
*Significant difference (p, 0.05) between pretraining and 7th week.
†Significant difference (p, 0.05) between 7th week and 13th week.
‡Significant increase from pretraining to 13th week in LST (p, 0.05) as compared with CON.
§Significant increase from pretraining to 13th week in HN (p, 0.05) as compared with CON.
kSignificant increase from pretraining to 13th week in HN (p, 0.05) as compared with LST.
VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 6 | NOVEMBER 2008 | 1929
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representative for all five types of exercise. Each measurement
was taken between weeks 7 and 9, when the participants had
become sufficiently accustomed to the training routine.
Electromyographic Recording. Electromyographic signals dur-
ing squat exercise were recorded from the left vastus lateralis
(VL) muscle and long head of the biceps femoris (BF) muscle.
Bipolar surface electrodes (Vitrode F; Nihon Kohden Corp.,
Japan) were placed over the belly of the muscle with
a constant interelectrode distance of 30 mm. The EMG
signals were amplified, fed into a full-wave rectifier through
both low (30 Hz) and high (1 kHz) cut filters, and stored using
a data-acquisition system (Power Lab/16SP; AD Instruments,
Measurement of Peripheral Muscle Oxygenation by a Near-
Infrared Continuous-Wave Spectroscopic Monitor. A near-infrared
continuous-wave spectroscopic (NIRcws) monitor
(BOML1TR; Omegawave, Inc., Japan) was used to measure
the peripheral muscle oxygenation in the left VL muscle during
and after vertical squat exercise. The wavelengths of emission
light were 780, 810, and 830 nm, and the relative concen-
trations of oxygenated hemoglobin/myoglobin (Oxy-Hb/Mb)
in tissues were quantified according to the Beer-Lambert law
(7). Because the NIRcws signals registered during exercise do
not always reflect the absolute levels of oxygenation, the
changes in oxygenation in working skeletal muscles are
expressed as values relative to the overall changes in the signal
monitored according to the arterial occlusion method (7,14).
In the present study, the resting level of Oxy-Hb/Mb was
defined as 100% (baseline), and the minimum plateau level of
Oxy-Hb/Mb obtained by arterial occlusion was defined as 0%.
A pressure cuff was placed around the proximal portion of the
thigh and was inflated manually up to 300 mm Hg until
the minimum plateau level of Oxy-Hb/Mb was attained (4).
The distance between the incident point and the detector was
30 mm. The laser emitter and detector were fixed with tape
after shielding with a rubber sheet. The NIRcws signals were
stored on a personal computer.
Measurement of Blood Lactate Concentration. Blood samples
were collected during the exercise sessions. Samples were
collected before and immediately after each type of exercise.
Blood samples of approximately 5 m l were taken from the
fingertip using a needle and were analyzed immediately for
blood lactate concentration using a lactate analyzer (Lactate
Pro; Kyoto Primary Science, Japan).
Measurement of Blood Pressure. Blood pressure from the left
radial artery was measured continuously during exercise with
an arterial tonometry during the vertical squat exercise
(JENTOW-7700; Colin, Japan). During measurements, the
arm was supported with an adjustable board. To minimize the
mechanical effects of the contraction of upper-body muscles
and changes in posture, the upper body was kept relaxed and
was immobilized on the machine during exercise. Blood
pressure signals were stored on a personal computer.
Chronic Effects of Resistance Training. Muscle thickness and
SFT using B-mode ultrasound, LSTM (body mass minus
bone mass minus fat mass), fat mass, and BMD using DXA,
and maximal muscular strength by 1RM test with the five
types of exercise used in the training regimen were measured
before and after the experimental period to evaluate the
chronic effects of these training regimens.
Muscle and Subcutaneous Fat Thickness by B-Mode Ultrasound
Imaging. The MT and SFT were measured by B-mode
ultrasound (5-MHz scanning head) at six sites from the
anterior and posterior surfaces of the body, in principle
following the standard method described by Abe et al. (1).
The sites were the chest, anterior and posterior upper arm,
abdomen, subscapula, and anterior and posterior thigh. Six
anatomic landmarks for the sites are noted below.
Chest: At a distance of 8 cm, directly above the mamilla.
Anterior and posterior upper arm: On the anterior and
posterior surface, 60% distal between the lateral epicondyle of
the humerus and the acromial process of the scapula.
Abdomen: At a distance 2–3 cm to the right of the
Subscapula: At a distance of 5 cm, directly below the
inferior angle of the scapula.
Anterior and posterior thigh: On the anterior and posterior
surface, midway between the lateral condyle of the femur and
the greater trochanter.
Muscle thickness and SFT were scanned using a real-time
linear electronic scanner with a 5-MHz scanning head
(SSD-500; Aloka, Japan). The scanning head was prepared
with water-soluble transmission gel that provided acoustic
contact without depression of the skin surface. The scanner
was placed perpendicular to the tissue interface at the
marked sites.
Whole-Body Composition in Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry.
Lean soft-tissue mass (body mass minus bone mass minus fat
mass), fat mass, and BMD were determined for the whole
body using DXA (Hologic QDR-4500A scanner; Hologic,
USA). Subjects were positioned for whole-body scans
according to the manufacturer's protocol. Participants lay
in the supine position on the DXA table with the limbs close
to the body. Fat-free body mass (FFM) was the sum of LSTM
and bone mineral content (BMC). The bone densitometer
delivers a very low dose of radiation (1.5 mR for the whole
body) using quantitative digital radiography. To minimize
interobserver variation, all scans and analyses were carried out
by the same investigator, and the day-to-day coefficients of
variation (CVs) of the observations were , 0.8 whole-body
BMD. The whole-body was divided into several regions:
arms, legs, trunk, and head. The body compositions were
analyzed using manual DXA analysis software (version
11.2.3). The arm region was defined as the region extending
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Effects of Whole-Body LST Training
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
from the head of the humerus to the distal tip of the fingers.
The reference point between the head of the humerus and the
scapula was positioned at the glenoid fossa. The leg region
was defined as the region extending from the inferior border
of the ischial tuberosity to the distal tip of the toes. The whole
body was defined as the region extending from the shoulders
to the distal tip of the toes. We selected a reference point that
could be visualized clearly on the DXA system terminal.
Measurements of Muscle Strength. Maximal muscular strength
was tested with the five types of exercise used in the training
regimen: vertical squat, chest press, latissimus dorsi pull-
down, abdominal bend, and back extension. Values were
obtained for 1RM according to the established guidelines
(39). The 1RM strength test using resistance exercise
machines was considered better suited to eliminate the
influence of coordination recruitment skills than a test using
free weights, such as barbells.
In this 1RM test, subjects lifted the load on a resistance
exercise machine from a bottom position without preliminary
(eccentric) muscle contractions, because preliminary muscle
contraction enhances muscle force (41). In this study, 1RM
has been underestimated compared with 1RM as tested with
preliminary muscle contractions such as free weight bench
press and squat lifting after eccentric movement. This means
that the exercise loads (% 1RM) used in LST and HN might
be overestimated.
Statistical Analyses
All values are expressed as mean 6SD . One-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with a Fisher protected least significant
difference test was used to determine the significance of any
differences among the initial parameters of the three groups,
such as body weight and muscle strength. One-way ANOVA
with a Fisher protected least significant difference test was
used to examine differences in peripheral muscle oxygena-
tion and blood lactate concentration between groups.
Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures (group 3period)
with the Newman-Keuls method was used to examine
differences in changes in MT and SFT, body weight, LSTM,
fat mass, percent body fat, BMD, and 1RM among groups.
For all statistical tests, p# 0.05 was considered significant.
Power calculations (statistical power) were performed using
G*power computer software. Statistical power of . 80%
was obtained in the main significant changes, such as MT,
LSTM, and 1RM strength after the LST and HN training
terms. Intraclass correlation coefficient and CV were
calculated to examine the test-retest reliability for variables
in MT and SFT measured by B-mode ultrasound and 1RM
strength test, because these variables may be affected by
manual handling technique. Intraclass correlation coefficient
and the mean CV value for measurement values by B-mode
ultrasound in our laboratory were 0.999 and 3.2%, re-
spectively. Intraclass correlation coefficient and the mean CV
value for measurement values of 1RM strength test were 0.995
and 2.8%, respectively.
Acute Effects of Exercises
Typical Examples of Muscle Electric Activity During Exercise.
Figure 1 shows typical examples of changes in EMG signals
from VL during vertical squat exercise. In LST, the EMG
from VL showed almost continuous activity throughout the
entire movement. In HN, EMG signals from VL exhibited
intermittent activity. Data from two subjects, whose 1RM
values were about the same, are shown. The measurements
of EMG from VL were made for all subjects in the training
groups (n = 24). All subjects showed essentially the same
Peripheral Muscle Oxygenation
Figure 2 shows minimum and maximum oxygenation levels
in the left VL during and after vertical squat exercise in
Figure 1. Typical electromyographic (EMG) signals from the vastus lateralis (VL) during vertical squat exercise. The signals were recorded during (A) low-intensity
resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation (LST) with a load of 75 kg (~57% one-repetition maximum [1RM]) and (B) high-intensity
resistance training with normal speed (HN) with a load of 102 kg (~89% 1RM) in the vertical squat. Records were from the first to second lifting movements in the
first set for LST and from the first to fourth lifting movements for HN. Data from two subjects, whose 1RM strengths were about the same, are shown.
VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 6 | NOVEMBER 2008 | 1931
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LST and HN. In both LST and HN, the oxygenation level
decreased immediately when the exercise repetitions started,
and it recovered rapidly and was followed by a hyper-
compensation after the end of the exercise repetitions. The
mean value of minimum oxygenation level during LST
vertical squat exercise was significantly lower than that
during HN exercise (Figure 2A). The large decrease in
muscle oxygenation level during LST exercise was likely
attributable to continuous activity of the knee extensor
muscles (see Figure 1A). There were no significant differ-
ences in the mean values of maximum oxygenation level after
LST and HN exercise (Figure 2B).
Blood Lactate Concentration
Figure 3 shows changes in blood lactate concentration
measured at rest and immediately after each type of exercise
in LST and HN. There were no significant differences in
blood lactate concentration at rest between LST and HN
groups. Both LST and HN exercise caused marked increases
in blood lactate concentration after each type of exercise. No
significant differences were observed between blood lactate
concentrations after any of the exercise types in LSTand HN.
Changes in blood lactate concentration during exercise were
similar in LSTand HN, despite the much lower intensity and
smaller amount of work in LST than in HN. The large
increase in the concentration of blood lactate (which is an
anaerobic energy metabolite) during LST exercise was likely
attributable to the lower muscle oxygenation level in LST
(see Figure 2A).
Blood Pressure During Exercise
Figure 4 shows peak blood diastolic pressure during LSTand
HN vertical squat exercise in the first set and at rest. In both
LST and HN training groups, the diastolic pressure reached
a peak at the last repetition or the second- or third-from-last
repetition in the exercise set, and it exhibited significant
increases from that at rest. The peak diastolic pressure during
HN vertical squat exercise (183.4 6 33.0 mm Hg) was
significantly higher than that during LST exercise (124.4 6
29.4 mm Hg). Peak blood systolic pressure during vertical
exercise exceeded the measurement range of the equipment
(300 mm Hg) in some subjects in the HN group. Therefore,
we evaluated the elevation of blood pressure during vertical
squat exercise with peak blood diastolic pressure during
Chronic Effects of Resistance Training
Changes in Muscle and Subcutaneous Fat Thickness. Figure 5
shows changes in total MT, defined as the sum of the values
for all six measurement sites, in the three groups after the
experimental period. There were no significant differences
among groups in MT at each measurement site before the
experimental period. In both LST and HN groups, MT
increased significantly after the experimental period, whereas
no such change was observed in the CON group. The
percent changes in total MT after the experimental period
were +6.8 6 3.4% in LST, +9.1 6 4.2% in HN, and +1.3 6
2.2% in CON. These changes in LST and HN were
significantly greater than those in CON, and there were no
significant differences between the changes in LST and in
HN (Figure 5). In LST and HN, the MT of all measurement
sites except the anterior upper arm increased significantly
after the experimental period. There were no changes at any
of the sites in CON. Increases in MT at all measurement sites
(except the anterior upper arm) in LST and in HN were
significantly greater than those in CON, and there were no
significant differences between the changes in LST and HN
Figure 2. A) Mean values of minimum oxygenation level during low-intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation (LST) and
high-intensity resistance training with normal speed (HN) in the vertical squat. Mean values 6SD (n = 12 for each group) are shown. *Significant differences
(p, 0.05) between groups. B) Mean values of maximum oxygenation level after LST and HN exercises in the vertical squat. Mean values 6 SD (n = 12 for each
group) are shown.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Effects of Whole-Body LST Training
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
at any of the measurement sites. The values of MT at each
measurement site before and after the experimental period
are summarized in Table 3. Figure 6 shows changes in total
SFT, defined as the sum of the values for all six measurement
sites, in the three groups after the experimental period. No
significant differences were observed among groups in SFT at
each measurement site before the experimental period. In
the HN group, total SFT decreased significantly after the
experimental period, whereas there were no such changes in
the LST or CON groups. The percent changes in total SFT
after the experimental period
were 2 2.1 6 1.22% in LST,
210.2 6 9.4% in HN, and +1.5
610.2% in CON. This decrease
in HN was significantly greater
than those in the LST and
CON groups (Figure 6). In
HN, SFT in the posterior upper
arm was significantly decreased
after the experimental period.
In LST and CON, the SFT in
the subscapula increased signif-
icantly after the experimental
period. The decrease in HN in
the posterior upper arm was
significantly greater than that in
CON. The SFT decrease in the
subscapula was significantly
greater in HN than in LST
and CON. All values of SFT at each measurement site before
and after the experimental period are summarized in Table 3.
Changes in Lean Soft-Tissue Mass, Fat Mass, Percent Body
Fat, and Bone Mineral Density in Dual-Energy X-Ray
Table 4 shows all values measured by DXA, such as LSTM,
fat mass, percent body fat, and BMD, before and after
the experimental period. No significant differences were
observed among groups before the experimental period.
Whole-body LSTM in all groups, even in the CON group,
increased significantly after the experimental period. The
Figure 4. Peak blood diastolic pressure during low-intensity resistance
training with slow movement and tonic force generation (LST) and
high-intensity resistance training with normal speed (HN) vertical squat
exercises (filled bars) and at rest (open bars). Mean values 6SD (n =12
for each group) are shown. *Significant differences (p, 0.05) between
groups. The values for both types of exercise showed significant changes
as compared with the resting level (p, 0.05).
Figure 3. Changes in blood lactate concentrations before and immediately after low-intensity resistance training
with slow movement and tonic force generation (LST; ) and high-intensity resistance training with normal speed
(HN; s ). Mean values 6 SD (n = 12 for each group) are shown. SQ = vertical squat; CP = chest press;
LP = latissimus dorsi pull-down; BE = back extension.
Figure 5. Sum of whole-body muscle thickness of six sites before (open
bars) and after (filled bars) the experimental period. Mean values 6SD
(n = 12 for each group) are shown. *Significant differences between
pre- and posttraining values (p, 0.05). † Significant differences between
groups (p, 0.05).
VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 6 | NOVEMBER 2008 | 1933
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
TABLE 3. Muscle and subcutaneous fat thickness before and after the experimental period.
Pretraining Posttraining Pretraining Posttraining Pretraining Posttraining
Muscle thickness, mm
Chest 1.75 6 0.34 2.03 6 0.41*† 1.67 6 0.44 2.02 6 0.51*‡ 1.62 6 0.22 1.64 60.23
Anterior upper arm 2.70 6 0.21 2.76 6 0.25 2.53 6 0.21 2.66 6 0.22 2.69 6 0.24 2.70 60.25
Posterior upper arm 2.87 6 0.38 3.15 6 0.41*† 2.84 6 0.49 3.09 6 0.38*‡ 2.95 6 0.55 2.96 60.55
Abdomen 1.44 6 0.19 1.56 6 0.20*† 1.29 6 0.13 1.45 6 0.14*‡ 1.30 6 0.23 1.28 60.23
Subscapula 2.42 6 0.41 2.58 6 0.47*† 2.31 6 0.33 2.61 6 0.44*‡ 2.35 6 0.35 2.23 60.28
Anterior thigh 5.12 6 0.59 5.45 6 0.66*† 4.94 6 0.36 5.49 6 0.42*‡ 5.16 6 0.55 5.29 60.50
Posterior thigh 5.72 6 0.52 5.96 6 0.37*† 5.82 6 0.45 6.00 6 0.49*‡ 5.69 6 0.35 5.76 60.38
Subcutaneous fat thickness, mm
Chest 0.52 6 0.18 0.50 6 0.18 0.82 6 0.51 0.62 6 0.31 0.67 6 0.36 0.65 60.34
Anterior upper arm 0.21 6 0.06 0.22 6 0.06 0.25 6 0.07 0.26 6 0.06 0.22 6 0.06 0.25 60.07
Posterior upper arm 0.54 6 0.18 0.52 6 0.22 0.69 6 0.17 0.61 6 0.14*§ 0.59 6 0.15 0.58 60.13
Abdomen 0.85 6 0.88 0.74 6 0.70 1.03 6 0.43 0.90 6 0.36 1.07 6 0.65 1.05 60.56
Subscapula 0.57 6 0.12 0.63 6 0.15* 0.65 6 0.16 0.63 60.12
0.59 6 0.13 0.68 60.12*
Anterior thigh 0.50 6 0.12 0.48 6 0.19 0.62 6 0.19 0.55 6 0.17 0.56 6 0.11 0.53 60.13
Posterior thigh 0.63 6 0.27 0.61 6 0.27 0.71 6 0.20 0.64 6 0.15 0.71 6 0.18 0.69 60.18
Values are mean 6 SD ;n = 12 for each group.
LST = low-intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation; HN = high-intensity resistance training with
normal speed; CON = sedentary controls.
*Significant difference (p, 0.05) between pretraining and posttraining.
†Significant increase in muscle thickness in LST (p, 0.05) as compared with CON.
‡Significant increase in muscle thickness in HN (p, 0.05) as compared with CON.
§Significant decrease in subcutaneous fat thickness in HN (p, 0.05) as compared with CON.
Significant decrease in subcutaneous fat thickness in HN (p, 0.05) as compared with LST and CON.
TABLE 4. Body composition in DXA before and after the experimental period.
Pretraining Posttraining Pretraining Posttraining Pretraining Posttraining
Whole body
LSTM (kg) 53.86 6 3.86 55.23 6 3.68*† 53.74 6 3.04 55.57 6 3.41*‡ 54.56 6 2.71 55.19 62.57*
Fat mass (kg) 8.66 6 2.75 58.86 6 3.11 10.08 6 2.35 9.75 6 2.20 9.60 6 2.70 9.55 62.68
% Fat (%) 13.75 6 3.63 11.68 6 3.79 15.73 6 3.21 14.85 6 2.89* 14.83 6 3.56 14.63 63.54
BMD (gcm
) 1.19 6 0.10 1.10 6 0.10 1.17 6 0.10 1.17 6 0.10 1.21 6 0.07 1.21 60.07
LSTM (kg) 5.35 6 0.52 5.52 6 0.59*† 5.10 6 0.51 5.38 6 0.51*‡ 5.18 6 0.46 5.24 60.50
Fat mass (kg) 0.84 6 0.30 0.86 6 0.28 1.01 6 0.29 0.99 6 0.26 0.99 6 0.34 0.94 60.30
LSTM (kg) 17.80 6 1.45 18.26 6 1.34*† 17.73 6 1.43 18.55 6 1.57*‡ 17.91 6 1.07 18.22 61.35
Fat mass (kg) 3.30 6 1.17 3.36 6 1.24 3.96 6 1.06 3.78 6 0.86 3.55 6 1.04 3.52 61.04
Values are mean 6 SD ;n = 12 for each group.
DXA = dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; LST = low-intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation;
HN = high-intensity resistance training with normal speed; CON = sedentary controls; LSTM = lean soft-tissue mass; BMD = bone mass
density; % fat = percent body fat.
*Significant difference (p, 0.05) between pretraining and posttraining.
†Significant increase in LST (p, 0.05) as compared with CON.
‡Significant increase in HN (p, 0.05) as compared with CON.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Effects of Whole-Body LST Training
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
absolute changes in LSTM were 1.4 6 1.4 kg in LST, 1.8 6
1.3 kg in HN, and 0.6 6 0.7 kg in CON. These changes in
LST and in HN were significantly greater than those in
CON, and there were no significant differences between the
changes in LST and in HN. The LSTM increase observed in
the CON group may have been attributable to weight gain
associated with seasonal variations and growth. Whole-body
percent body fat in the HN group decreased significantly
after the experimental period. This decrease in HN was
significantly greater than those in LST and CON, and there
were no significant differences between the changes in LST
and in CON. No significant changes occurred in body mass,
fat mass, or BMD in any of the groups. All values measured
by DXA before and after the experimental period are
summarized in Table 4. Changes in FFM and fat mass in
DXA were similar to those in MTH and SFT as determined
by ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound imaging was used for
direct assessment in regions involved in training, so
ultrasound imaging may have higher detection sensitivity
for detecting significant changes than DXA.
Changes in Muscular Strength
Figure 7 shows changes in total 1RM strength, defined as the
sum of values for all five types of exercise used in the training
regimen, in the three groups after the experimental period.
No significant differences were observed among groups in
1RM strength in each type of training before the exper-
imental period. In the LST group and the HN group, total
1RM strength increased significantly after the experimental
period (Table 4), whereas there was no such change in the
CON group (Figure 7). The percent changes in total 1RM
strength were +33.0 6 8.8% in LST, +41.2 6 7.8% in HN, and
+1.3 6 2.4% in CON. These increases in LSTand in HN after
the experimental period were significantly greater than the
value in CON, and there were no significant differences
between the changes in LST and HN. In both LST and HN,
1RM strength in all five exercises increased significantly after
the experimental period. There were no such changes in
CON. The increases in LST and HN in 1RM strength in all
five types of exercise were significantly larger than the values
in CON, and there were no significant differences between
the changes in LSTand in HN except in back extension. The
increase in 1RM strength on back extension in HN was
significantly greater than that in LST. The values of 1RM
strength in each type of exercise before and after the
experimental period are summarized in Table 2.
The results of the present study indicate a significant increase
in muscular size and concomitant increase in muscular
strength after a 13-week whole-body LST training program
consisting of the five following exercises: vertical squat, chest
press, latissimus dorsi pull-down, abdominal bend, and back
extension. The term LST refers to a low-intensity (~55–60%
1RM) resistance training program with slow movement and
tonic force generation. The gains in muscular size and
strength were similar to those after the same whole-body
training program using a high-intensity load (~80–90%
1RM) with normal speed (HN). Previously, we reported that
a 12-week LST training program with one type of exercise
(knee extension) caused significant increases in muscular size
and strength to the same degree as HN. This previous study
investigated only local effects and provided no information
about systemic effects of LST whole-body resistance training.
Figure 6. Sum of whole-body subcutaneous fat thickness of six sites
before (open bars) and after (filled bars) the experimental period. Mean
values 6SD (n = 12 for each group) are shown. *Significant differences
between pre- and posttraining values (p, 0.05). † Significant differences
between groups (p, 0.05).
Figure 7. Sum of one-repetition maximum (1RM) strength of five
exercises before (open bars) and after (filled bars) the experimental
period. Mean values 6SD (n = 12 for each group) are shown.
*Significant differences between pre- and posttraining values (p, 0.05).
†Significant differences between groups (p, 0.05).
VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 6 | NOVEMBER 2008 | 1935
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Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
Single-joint exercises with exercise machines, such as knee
extensions, are considered more appropriate for LST to
achieve strict continuous force generation throughout the
exercise movement than multijoint exercises. However,
whole-body resistance training programs usually consist
mainly of multijoint exercises. Multijoint exercises usually
recruit more large muscle areas than single-joint exercises. In
addition, the movements in most multijoint exercises are
considered more similar to sport and daily performance
movements. The significance of the present study lies in the
demonstration that a whole-body LST training program
consisting mainly of multijoint exercises, as a prescription
program for actual training, was effective for muscular
hypertrophy and strength gain as systemic effects.
In the previous study, the increase in muscular size after
a 12-week knee extension LST training program tended to be
higher than that after HN training. On the other hand, the
increase in systemic muscular size after 13 weeks of whole-
body LST training mainly consisting of multijoint exercises
tended to be lower than that after HN in this study (no sig-
nificant difference). The difference between the results in
these two studies may be related to the fact that knee exten-
sion exercise, which is a single-joint exercise, is considered to
be better suited for continuous muscle contraction in LST.
Multijoint LST exercise (vertical squat) has the following
physiological characteristics: a) continuous muscle activity is
kept constant throughout the entire exercise movement
(Figure 1A); b) lowered peripheral muscle oxygenation level
during exercise (Figure 2A); c) elevated peripheral muscle
oxygenation level immediately after exercise (Figure 2B); and
d) increased blood lactate concentration (Figure 3). These
characteristics in multijoint LST exercise are similar to those
of single-joint LST exercise with a knee extension exercise
machine examined in the previous study (37). The lowered
muscle oxygenation level and increased blood lactate
concentration during LST exercise were likely attributable
to the restriction of muscular blood flow by continuous
muscle activity. It has been speculated that local accumula-
tion of anaerobic energy metabolites, such as lactate,
stimulates the hypophyseal secretion of GH (22,33) and
the local secretion of growth factors, such as insulin-like
growth factor 1 (28). It has also been shown that plasma GH
stimulates synthesis and secretion of insulin-like growth
factor 1 within muscle, which may then act on the muscle
itself and promote growth (8,17). The production of ROS
may play an important role in muscular hypertrophy. The
activity of ROS within the muscle has been shown to be
enhanced in hypoxic environments (20). A considerable
amount of ROS could be produced when the muscle is kept
hypoxic and subsequently exposed to reperfusion (31).
Among the ROS, nitric oxide, which is the strongest
vasodilator characterized to date, has also been shown to
mediate the activation and proliferation of muscle satellite
cells, which are muscle fiber stem cells (3). Therefore, both
lowered and elevated muscle oxygenation levels during and
after exercise may cause enhanced production of ROS,
thereby stimulating muscle growth. Additional recruitment
of fast-twitch fibers under a hypoxic condition is likely to
mediate muscle hypertrophy (30,36). Almost all of the motor
units were considered to be recruited at the final repetition in
all sets in LST as well as in HN exercise, because subjects in
both HN and LST repeated the movement until exhaustion
(27). The physiological characteristics of LST differ signif-
icantly from those of HN using a high-intensity load.
However, 13 weeks of whole-body resistance training using
both LST and HN caused comparable increases in muscular
size and strength.
Some recent studies have indicated that low-intensity
resistance training combined with moderate vascular occlu-
sion using artificial occlusive pressure causes marked
increases in muscular size and strength (2,29,34,36). These
studies suggest that large mechanical stress is not indispens-
able for muscular hypertrophy and strength gain. They also
suggest that the muscle-trophic effect of resistance training
involves not only large mechanical stress but also metabolic,
hormonal, and neuronal factors. However, resistance training
with vascular occlusion is so specialized that it should not be
widely used without careful monitoring of occlusive pressure
and blood flow. Its application is limited to upper-limb and
lower-limb muscles, because it can be applied only to distal
muscles from occlusive pressure belts. Usually, resistance
training combined with moderate vascular occlusion is
performed using occlusive pressure belts at the roots of the
limbs. This is often associated with pain attributable
to artificial occlusive pressure. The LST training, which sus-
tains continuous force generation at . 40% MVC to restrict
muscle blood flow, would also be effective to make the
intramuscular environment hypoxic even without artificial
occlusive pressure. This can be applied not only to limb
muscles but also to trunk muscles, and it is free from the pain
associated with artificial occlusive pressure. Therefore, this
represents a good alternative to resistance training with
vascular occlusion.
The movement speed of LST in this study (3 seconds for
concentric and eccentric actions) was configured so that all
subjects could easily maintain continuous force generation
throughout the exercise movement. In the exercise move-
ment consisting of 2 seconds for concentric and eccentric
actions, it seemed to be difficult for the subjects to maintain
constant tension, whereas in the exercise movement consist-
ing of 4 seconds for concentric and eccentric actions, the
subjects could maintain constant tension easily, but it was
almost impossible for them to perform several repetitions at
sufficient intensity (. 40% MVC) to restrict muscle blood
flow. Thus, the movement speed of LST was determined
based on the requirements described below.
1. Continuous force generation could be easily achieved
even by beginners without previous experience of resis-
tance training.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Effects of Whole-Body LST Training
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
2. Continuous force generation throughout the exercise
movement with more than 40% MVC load to restrict
muscle blood flow.
The prime point of LST is slow movement to achieve tonic
force generation, and not to slow movement itself. In this
point, LST is different from SuperSlow (10-second lifting
and 4-second lowering movement), a registered trademark
of Ken Hutchins (42).
Fat mass measured by DXA decreased significantly,
although not markedly, after HN training, whereas no
significant decrease was observed after LST. Acute increase
in plasma catecholamine concentration during exercise may
be one of the reasons for fat loss in HN. We also have shown
previously that LST and HN leg extension exercise
immediately increased plasma norepinephrine concentration.
The amount of increase in HN tended to be higher than that
in LST (38). Acute increases in plasma catecholamine
concentration during and immediately after exercise enhance
fat oxidation for energy expenditure (12,25). In addition, the
larger amount of mechanical work may cause fat loss in HN.
The amount of work in HN was about 1.5 times that in LST.
Bone mass density (see Table 4) and bone mass component
(BMC data not shown) were not increased after the
experimental period in any groups. This result is perhaps
related to the length of the experimental period. It is
considered that the experimental period in this study was
short, and therefore no changes were observed in BMD or
BMC. Bone adapts to high mechanical stress by changing its
size and density, and the heavier the magnitude of load, the
greater the stimulus for bone growth (40). Thus, BMD and
BMC increases from long-term resistance training would be
more effective in HN than in LST.
High-intensity resistance training does not necessarily
increase the risk of injury. High-intensity resistance training
does not cause orthopedic or cardiovascular problems when
performed or supervised appropriately (13). However, it has
also been reported that approximately 20% of the elderly
(aged 70–79 years) showed some symptoms of orthopedic
injury after training at 1RM (26). In addition, a marked
increase in systolic blood pressure (up to 250 mm Hg) has
been reported to occur during high-intensity resistance
training (~8RM) for large muscle groups (10). Some studies
have reported large numbers of cases in which vascular
events, such as aortic dissection, occurred during high-
intensity resistance training (15,16). Thus, high-intensity
resistance training can increase the risk of injury and vascular
events during exercise. Therefore, the development of
a resistance training regimen that can cause substantial gains
in strength with much lower mechanical stress would be
advantageous for the development of safer and effective
methods of promoting muscle hypertrophy for a wider range
of people, including older people and those with cardiovas-
cular problems.
In conclusion, low-intensity whole-body resistance training
with slow movement and tonic force generation consisting
mainly of multijoint exercises was as effective for increasing
muscular size and strength as high-intensity resistance
training. This training method was not associated with the
generation of large force or with any considerable elevation of
blood pressure. Therefore, it would be useful for promoting
muscular hypertrophy and strength increases in a larger
population, including the elderly and those at higher risk of
cardiovascular adverse events. In this regard, however, LST is
anything but easy for subjects to carry out despite the use of
a relatively low-intensity load. Subjects repeat movement
until exhaustion in LST as in HN.
The guideline of ''load and repetition assignments based on
the training goal'' based on Fleck and Kraemer's systematic
review of resistance training (11) and other studies (39) has
been widely used in the field of physical fitness. This
guideline recommends resistance training with 6–12 repeti-
tions using a 67–85% 1RM load for muscle hypertrophy. This
guideline seems like an appropriate assignment in voluntary
movement, but it does not include the concept of enhancing
exercise movement variation. When exercise movement is
devised to place muscles under continuous tension through-
out the exercise movement as in the LST method, resistance
training, even with low-intensity loads of less than 65% 1RM,
can cause muscular hypertrophy and increase strength. The
results of this study indicate that whole-body LST training is
an effective method for gaining muscular size and strength in
actual training. A regimen of LST training with a relatively
low-intensity load can be chosen as a safe resistance training
method with relatively low risk for orthopedic injury and
cardiac event during exercise. The LST training should be
performed with a speed that easily enables continuous force
generation throughout the exercise movement. In actual
training, LST does not have to be performed with the speed
used in this study (3 seconds for concentric and eccentric
actions). However, if the movement is too slow (e.g., more
than 5 seconds for concentric and eccentric actions), it may
be difficult to perform several repetitions at an intensity
sufficient to restrict muscle blood (. 40% MVC). Also, the
mechanical work may not be sufficient to enhance local
accumulation of metabolic byproducts such as lactate and
proton. We recommend that the movement speed should be
as fast as possible within the limits in which continuous force
generation can be maintained. We regard tonic force
generation rather than slow movement to be the primary
point of LST training.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Effects of Whole-Body LST Training
Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
... Previous studies have provided partial support for Delorme's hypothesis, underpinning what is currently accepted as theory [11,12]. Although some guidelines suggest the use of high and moderate loads to development maximal strength and muscle hypertrophy, several studies showed increases in maximal strength and muscle hypertrophy after resistance training with low loads (i.e., <60% 1RM) [13][14][15][16][17]. These studies are in line with recent guidelines indicating that the athletic population may achieve comparable muscle hypertrophy across a wide spectrum of loading zones [18]. ...
... Reports not retrieved (n = 0) Table 2 shows the characteristics of the participants in the 23 studies that were selected for systematic review regarding the sample size, age, height, weight, and training status (mean ± SD) of the 563 participants, where 454 were untrained (80.6%) [11,[14][15][16][17][21][22][23]26,28,29,[38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45] and 109 were recreationally trained (19.4%) [13,46,47] in resistance training. Table 3 shows the characteristics of the studies that were selected for the systematic review regarding the study design, time of analysis, resistance exercise(s), prescription, weekly frequency, movement tempo, volume, and findings. ...
... Table 3 shows the characteristics of the studies that were selected for the systematic review regarding the study design, time of analysis, resistance exercise(s), prescription, weekly frequency, movement tempo, volume, and findings. Regarding the assessment of maximal strength development, 13 studies assessed dynamic strength using 1RM (56.5%) [11,[13][14][15]17,[21][22][23]29,44,[46][47][48] and another four studies assessed the isometric strength (17.4%) [26,38,39,45]. In addition, five studies simultaneously assessed dynamic strength using 1RM and isometric strength using a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) (21.7%) [16,28,[41][42][43], and, finally, one study assessed isometric strength using maximal isometric voluntary torque (4.4%) [40]. ...
The load in resistance training is considered to be a critical variable for neuromuscular adaptations. Therefore, it is important to assess the effects of applying different loads on the development of maximal strength and muscular hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature and compare the effects of resistance training that was performed with low loads versus moderate and high loads in untrained and trained healthy adult males on the development of maximal strength and muscle hypertrophy during randomized experimental designs. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (2021) were followed with the eligibility criteria defined according to participants, interventions, comparators, outcomes, and study design (PICOS): (P) healthy males between 18 and 40 years old, (I) interventions performed with low loads, (C) interventions performed with moderate or high loads, (O) development of maximal strength and muscle hypertrophy, and (S) randomized experimental studies with between-or within-subject parallel designs. The literature search strategy was performed in three electronic databases (Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science) on 22 August 2021. Results: Twenty-three studies with a total of 563 participants (80.6% untrained and 19.4% trained) were selected. The studies included both relative and absolute loads. All studies were classified as being moderate-to-high methodological quality, although only two studies had a score higher than six points. The main findings indicated that the load magnitude that was used during resistance training influenced the dynamic strength and isometric strength gains. In general, comparisons between the groups (i.e., low, moderate, and high loads) showed higher gains in 1RM and maximal voluntary isometric contraction when moderate and high loads were used. In contrast, regarding muscle hypertrophy, most studies showed that when resistance training was performed to muscle failure, the load used had less influence on muscle hypertrophy. The current literature shows that gains in maximal strength are more pronounced with high and moderate loads compared to low loads in healthy adult male populations. However, for muscle hypertrophy, studies indicate that a wide spectrum of loads (i.e., 30 to 90% 1RM) may be used for healthy adult male populations. Citation: Lacio, M.; Vieira, J.G.; Trybulski, R.; Campos, Y.; Santana, D.; Filho, J.E.; Novaes, J.; Vianna, J.; Wilk, M. Effects of Resistance Training
... Previous studies have reported that long-term intervention of LRE with slow movement and tonic force generation (ST-LRE) increases skeletal muscle size and strength effectively in healthy young and older individuals [18][19][20][21][22]. Furthermore, Takenami et al. [23] reported that long-term ST-LRE was effective to increasing these muscle size and strength adaptations in patients with type 2 diabetes, which is a well-known risk of various cognitive diseases (e.g., mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease) [24]. ...
... All subjects completed both ST-LRE and HRE in a randomized and counterbalanced order (see Fig. 1A). The ST-LRE and HRE were set at 50% and 80% of 1-RM, respectively, according to previous studies [19,20,22]. Both protocols were programmed with bilateral knee extension for six sets with eight repetitions per set using a leg extension machine (Life Fitness; Schiller Park, IL, USA). ...
... Rest intervals between sets for both protocols lasted 1 min. These resistance exercise variables were the basis of the methods employed in previous studies [19][20][21][22][23]. The two experimental sessions were performed at approximately the same time (± 1 h) in the morning, as separated by 1 week. ...
This study compared the effects of low-intensity resistance exercise with slow movement and tonic force generation (ST-LRE) and high-intensity resistance exercise (HRE) on post-exercise improvements in cognitive inhibitory control (IC). Sixteen young males completed ST-LRE and HRE sessions in a crossover design. Bilateral knee extensor ST-LRE and HRE (8 repetitions/set, 6 sets) were performed with 50% of one-repetition maximum with slow contractile speed and 80% of one-repetition maximum with normal contractile speed, respectively. The IC was assessed using the color–word Stroop task at six time points: baseline, pre-exercise, immediate post-exercise, and every 10 min during the 30-min post-exercise recovery period. The blood lactate response throughout the experimental session did not differ between ST-LRE and HRE (condition × time interaction P = 0.396: e.g., mean ± standard error of the mean; 8.1 ± 0.5 vs. 8.1 ± 0.5 mM, respectively, immediately after exercise, P = 0.983, d = 0.00). Large-sized decreases in the reverse-Stroop interference scores, which represent improved IC, compared to those before exercise (i.e., baseline and pre-exercise) were observed throughout the 30 min post-exercise recovery period for both ST-LRE and HRE (decreasing rate ≥ 38.8 and 41.4%, respectively, all d s ≥ 0.95). The degree of post-exercise IC improvements was similar between the two protocols (condition × time interaction P = 0.998). These findings suggest that despite the application of a lower exercise load, ST-LRE improves post-exercise IC similarly to HRE, which may be due to the equivalent blood lactate response between the two protocols, in healthy young adults.
... However, this study compared the effect of a single resistance exercise, which may not necessarily translate into a whole-body training program. To determine the effects of movement tempo during a whole-body resistancetraining program (squat, chest press, latissimus dorsi pulldown, abdominal crunches, and back extensions), Tanimoto et al. [40] investigated MED (3/0/3/0; 55-60%1RM) and FAS (1/0/1/1; 80-90%1RM) tempos over 13 weeks using 3 sets of repetitions performed to muscular fatigue and 60-s rest intervals. They showed that despite using a lighter load with a MED tempo, similar hypertrophic effects were observed compared to the FAS tempo with a heavier load, which is consistent with the single-joint individual exercise results presented previously [18]. ...
... 20 trained men 10/2 Leg press, knee extension, knee flexion, bench press, seated row, elbow extension, elbow flexion 3 sets × 8-10 repetitions 1RM in leg press, bench press ↑ Muscle strength in leg press and bench press between pre and post for X/0/X/0 ↑ Muscle strength in leg press and bench press between pre and post for 2-3/0/2-3/0 ↔ Muscle strength in leg press and bench press between X/0/X/0 and 2-3/0/2-3/0 Leg press, knee extension 3 sets × 8 repetitions 1RM in leg press, knee extension ↑ Muscle strength in leg press and knee extension between pre and post for 2/1/X/0 ↑ Muscle strength in leg press and knee extension between pre and post for 2/1/2/0 ↔ Muscle strength in leg press and knee exten- Although the load, or the mechanical stimulus, has been suggested to be of critical importance for inducing hypertrophic adaptations [36,41,42], most studies use different external loads for the faster and slower tempos [18,25,40,43], which results in different mechanical stimuli. Furthermore, the meta-analysis made by Schoenfeld et al. [2] showed that not only the external load but also the point of muscle failure during the set is an important factor affecting hypertrophy. ...
... Furthermore, the meta-analysis made by Schoenfeld et al. [2] showed that not only the external load but also the point of muscle failure during the set is an important factor affecting hypertrophy. Therefore, the results of the two previously described studies [18,40] indicate that movement tempo is an important variable that also plays a significant role in the anabolic process, and slower movements can be useful to compensate for any decreases in the load used as long as the exercises are performed to muscular failure. Although the data of Tanimoto and Ishii [18] and Tanimoto et al. [40] indicate that hypertrophy can be similar, or greater, with a MED movement tempo at 50-60%1RM compared to a FAS one at (80-90%1RM), not only differences in the load used, but also the volume of exercise should also be considered. ...
Hypertrophy and strength are two common long-term goals of resistance training that are mediated by the manipulation of numerous variables. One training variable that is often neglected but is essential to consider for achieving strength and hypertrophy gains is the movement tempo of particular repetitions. Although research has extensively investigated the effects of different intensities, volumes, and rest intervals on muscle growth, many of the present hypertrophy guidelines do not account for different movement tempos, likely only applying to volitional movement tempos. Changing the movement tempo during the eccentric and concentric phases can influence acute exercise variables, which form the basis for chronic adaptive changes to resistance training. To further elaborate on the already unclear anecdotal evidence of different movement tempos on muscle hypertrophy and strength development, one must acknowledge that the related scientific research does not provide equivocal evidence. Furthermore, there has been no assessment of the impact of duration of particular movement phases (eccentric vs. concentric) on chronic adaptations, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions in terms of resistance-training recommendations. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to explain how variations in movement tempo can affect chronic adaptive changes. This article provides an overview of the available scientific data describing the impact of movement tempo on hypertrophy and strength development with a thorough analysis of changes in duration of particular phases of movement. Additionally, the review provides movement tempo-specific recommendations as well real training solutions for strength and conditioning coaches and athletes, depending on their goals.
... A total of eight studies measured muscle thickness via ultrasound at multiple measurement sites including the upper thigh, lower arm, upper arm and chest. Seven (Ikezoe et al., 2020;Jenkins et al., 2017;Jessee et al., 2018;Schoenfeld et al., 2015Schoenfeld et al., , 2020Stefanaki et al., 2019;Tanimoto et al., 2008) of the eight studies identified equivalent increases in muscle thickness between high-load and low-load RT, and one study (Lasevicius et al., 2018) found greater improvements for highload RT. ...
... A total of 10 studies used either DXA (Franco et al., 2019;Morton et al., 2016;Ribeiro et al., 2020;Taaffe et al., 1996;Tanimoto et al., 2008;Vargas et al., 2019), BodPod (Au et al., 2017;Rana et al., 2008), bioelectrical impedance analysis (Richardson et al., 2019) or skinfolds (Schuenke et al., 2012) to measure changes in lean body mass (LBM) or fat-free mass. Six (Au et al., 2017;Morton et al., 2016;Rana et al., 2008;Ribeiro et al., 2020;Schuenke et al., 2012;Tanimoto et al., 2008) of the 10 studies found no differences between loading conditions, one study (Vargas et al., 2019) demonstrated an advantage for high-load RT, while another (Franco et al., 2019) showed the opposite effect. ...
... A total of 10 studies used either DXA (Franco et al., 2019;Morton et al., 2016;Ribeiro et al., 2020;Taaffe et al., 1996;Tanimoto et al., 2008;Vargas et al., 2019), BodPod (Au et al., 2017;Rana et al., 2008), bioelectrical impedance analysis (Richardson et al., 2019) or skinfolds (Schuenke et al., 2012) to measure changes in lean body mass (LBM) or fat-free mass. Six (Au et al., 2017;Morton et al., 2016;Rana et al., 2008;Ribeiro et al., 2020;Schuenke et al., 2012;Tanimoto et al., 2008) of the 10 studies found no differences between loading conditions, one study (Vargas et al., 2019) demonstrated an advantage for high-load RT, while another (Franco et al., 2019) showed the opposite effect. Two studies (Richardson et al., 2019;Taaffe et al., 1996) found no change in LBM from pre-to posttraining in both loading conditions. ...
This systematic review and meta-analysis determined resistance training (RT) load effects on various muscle hypertrophy, strength, and neuromuscular performance task [e.g., countermovement jump (CMJ)] outcomes. Relevent studies comparing higher-load [>60% 1-repetition maximum (RM) or <15-RM] and lower-load (≤60% 1-RM or ≥ 15-RM) RT were identified, with 45 studies (from 4713 total) included in the meta-analysis. Higher- and lower-load RT induced similar muscle hypertrophy at the whole-body (lean/fat-free mass; [ES (95% CI) = 0.05 (−0.20 to 0.29), P = 0.70]), whole-muscle [ES = 0.06 (−0.11 to 0.24), P = 0.47], and muscle fibre [ES = 0.29 (−0.09 to 0.66), P = 0.13] levels. Higher-load RT further improved 1-RM [ES = 0.34 (0.15 to 0.52), P = 0.0003] and isometric [ES = 0.41 (0.07 to 0.76), P = 0.02] strength. The superiority of higher-load RT on 1-RM strength was greater in younger [ES = 0.34 (0.12 to 0.55), P = 0.002] versus older [ES = 0.20 (−0.00 to 0.41), P = 0.05] participants. Higher- and lower-load RT therefore induce similar muscle hypertrophy (at multiple physiological levels), while higher-load RT elicits superior 1-RM and isometric strength. The influence of RT loads on neuromuscular task performance is however unclear.
... The exercise intensity involved in performing resistance exercise is a major variable for determining muscle size and strength adaptations induced by long-term resistance exercise [1,17,18]. Additionally, movement velocity when resistance exercise is performed is an important variable for these muscle adaptations [19,20,21,22,23,24]. Movement velocities during normal resistance exercise are generally prescribed by performing concentric and eccentric actions for 1-2 s [1]. ...
... Movement velocities during normal resistance exercise are generally prescribed by performing concentric and eccentric actions for 1-2 s [1]. Compared to this normal protocol, specific movement velocity protocols are performed with faster or slower velocities during concentric and eccentric actions [19,20,21,22,23,24]. Of those, a typical protocol of slow movement and tonic force generation (ST) is prescribed by performing 3-sec concentric, 3-sec eccentric, and 1-sec isometric actions with no rest between each repetition [20,21,22,23,24]. ...
... Compared to this normal protocol, specific movement velocity protocols are performed with faster or slower velocities during concentric and eccentric actions [19,20,21,22,23,24]. Of those, a typical protocol of slow movement and tonic force generation (ST) is prescribed by performing 3-sec concentric, 3-sec eccentric, and 1-sec isometric actions with no rest between each repetition [20,21,22,23,24]. ...
Background The extremely low loads (e.g., <30% of one-repetition maximum) involved in performing resistance exercise are effective in preventing musculoskeletal injury and enhancing exercise adherence in various populations, especially older individuals and patients with chronic diseases. Nevertheless, long-term intervention using this type of protocol is known to have little effects on muscle size and strength adaptations. Despite this knowledge, very low-intensity resistance exercise (VLRE) with slow movement and tonic force generation (ST) significantly increases muscle size and strength. To further explore efficacy of ST-VLRE in the clinical setting, this study examined the effect of ST-VLRE on post-exercise inhibitory control (IC). Methods Twenty healthy, young males (age: 21 ± 0 years, body height: 173.4 ± 1.2 cm, body weight: 67.4 ± 2.2 kg) performed both ST-VLRE and normal VLRE in a crossover design. The load for both protocols was set at 30% of one-repetition maximum. Both protocols were programmed with bilateral knee extension for six sets with ten repetitions per set. The ST-VLRE and VLRE were performed with slow (3-sec concentric, 3-sec eccentric, and 1-sec isometric actions with no rest between each repetition) and normal contractile speeds (1-sec concentric and 1-sec eccentric actions and 1-sec rests between each repetition), respectively. IC was assessed using the color-word Stroop task at six time points: baseline, pre-exercise, immediate post-exercise, and every 10 min during the 30-min post-exercise recovery period. Results The reverse-Stroop interference score, a parameter of IC, significantly decreased immediately after both ST-VLRE and VLRE compared to that before each exercise (decreasing rate >32 and 25%, respectively, vs. baseline and/or pre-exercise for both protocols; all Ps < 0.05). The improved IC following ST-VLRE, but not following VLRE, remained significant until the 20-min post-exercise recovery period (decreasing rate >48% vs. baseline and pre-exercise; both Ps < 0.001). The degree of post-exercise IC improvements was significantly higher for ST-VLRE than for VLRE (P = 0.010 for condition × time interaction effect). Conclusions These findings suggest that ST-VLRE can improve post-exercise IC effectively. Therefore, ST-VLRE may be an effective resistance exercise protocol for improving cognitive function.
... A similar relationship between the external load used and time under tension was observed for hypertrophy responses. The greater (Tanimoto et al., 2008) or comparable (Tanimoto and Ishii, 2006) hypertrophy effect was observed after resistance exercise with slower movement tempo, but a lighter load compared to a faster tempo and heavier loads which partly can be related to the greater total time under tension (Burd et al., 2010(Burd et al., , 2012Schoenfeld et al., 2015;Wilk et al., 2020a). ...
The goal of the present study was to evaluate the effect of contrast tempo movement on bar velocity changes during a multi-set bench press exercise. In randomized and counterbalanced order, participants performed three sets of the bench press exercise at 60%1RM under two testing conditions: E-E where all repetitions were performed with explosive (X/0/X/0) movement tempo; and S-E where the first two repetitions were performed with a slow tempo (5/0/X/0) while the third repetition was performed with explosive movement tempo (slow, slow, explosive). Twelve healthy men volunteered for the study (age = 30 ± 5 years; body mass = 88 ± 10 kg; bench press 1RM = 145 ± 24 kg). The three-way repeated measures ANOVA (tempo × set × repetition) showed statistically significant multi-interaction effect for peak bar velocity (p < 0.01; η2 = 0.23), yet not for mean bar velocity (p = 0.09; η2 = 0.14). The post hoc results for multi-interaction revealed that peak bar velocity in the 3 rd repetition was significantly higher for E-E compared to S-E only during set 1 (p < 0.001). Therefore, the distribution of movement tempo had a significant impact on peak bar velocity, but not on mean bar velocity. The decrease in peak bar velocity in the 3 rd repetition during the S-E condition was observed only in the first set, while such a tendency was not observed in the second and third set.
... If prescriptive parameters were unclear, we imputed the mean value from other studies: number of exercises = 8 (required for four studies [34][35][36]); number of sets = 2.6 (required for one study [37]). We excluded two studies [38,39] (three comparisons) from this meta-regression because both studies completed as many repetitions as possible in each set. ...
Background Resistance training is the gold standard exercise mode for accrual of lean muscle mass, but the isolated effect of resistance training on body fat is unknown.Objectives This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated resistance training for body composition outcomes in healthy adults. Our primary outcome was body fat percentage; secondary outcomes were body fat mass and visceral fat.DesignSystematic review with meta-analysis.Data SourcesWe searched five electronic databases up to January 2021.Eligibility CriteriaWe included randomised trials that compared full-body resistance training for at least 4 weeks to no-exercise control in healthy adults.AnalysisWe assessed study quality with the TESTEX tool and conducted a random-effects meta-analysis, with a subgroup analysis based on measurement type (scan or non-scan) and sex (male or female), and a meta-regression for volume of resistance training and training components.ResultsFrom 11,981 records, we included 58 studies in the review, with 54 providing data for a meta-analysis. Mean study quality was 9/15 (range 6–15). Compared to the control, resistance training reduced body fat percentage by − 1.46% (95% confidence interval − 1.78 to − 1.14, p < 0.0001), body fat mass by − 0.55 kg (95% confidence interval − 0.75 to − 0.34, p < 0.0001) and visceral fat by a standardised mean difference of − 0.49 (95% confidence interval − 0.87 to − 0.11, p = 0.0114). Measurement type was a significant moderator in body fat percentage and body fat mass, but sex was not. Training volume and training components were not associated with effect size.Summary/Conclusions Resistance training reduces body fat percentage, body fat mass and visceral fat in healthy adults.Study
... The intensity was determined in a pilot study, so that all volunteers could perform, at the beginning of the study, 3 sets of the protocols with the highest possible weight (external resistance) while maintaining the other variables as described above. A previous study using bench press exercise, with similar configurations adopted in this study, made it possible to increase the muscle thickness of the pectoralis major and brachial triceps (37), reinforcing the applicability of training protocols for obtaining hypertrophic responses. ...
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 2 training protocols equalized by tension (TUT) on maximal strength (1 repetition maximum [RM]), regional cross-sectional areas (proximal, middle, and distal), and total cross-sectional areas (sum of the regional cross-sectional areas) of the pectoralis major and triceps brachii muscles. Thirty-eight men untrained in resistance training participated in the study and were allocated under 3 conditions: Protocol 3s (n 5 11; 12 repetitions; 3s repetition duration), Protocol 6s (n 5 11; 6 repetitions; 6s repetition duration), and Control (n 5 11; no training). Training protocols (10 weeks; bench press exercise) were equated for TUT (36 seconds per set), number of sets (3-4), intensity (50-55% of 1RM), and rest between sets (3 minutes). Analysis of variance was used to examine a percentage change in variables of interest across the 3 groups with an alpha level of 0.05 used to establish statistical significance. Protocols 3s and 6s showed no differences in the increase of total and regional muscle cross-sectional areas. There were no differences in regional hypertrophy of the pectoralis major muscle. In the triceps brachii muscle, the increase in distal cross-sectional area was greater when compared with the middle and proximal regions. Both experimental groups had similar increases in the 1RM test. In conclusion, training protocols with the same TUT promote similar strength gains and muscle hypertrophy. Moreover, considering that the protocols used different numbers of repetitions, the results indicate that training volumes cannot be considered separately from TUT when evaluating neuromuscular adaptations.
- Asha Roy
- Jaime Szeinuk
- Robert Baker
Background: Among work-related conditions in the United States, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) account for about thirty-four percent of work absences. Primary care physicians (PCPs) play an essential role in the management of work-related MSDs; for conditions diagnosed as work-related, up to seventeen percent of cases are PCP managed; within these conditions, up to fifty-nine percent are diagnosed as musculoskeletal. Negative factors in treatment success confronting PCPs include time constraints and unfamiliarity with work-related MSDs. A multidimensional team approach to secondary prevention, where PCPs can leverage the expertise of allied health professionals, might provide a useful alternative to current PCP practices for the treatment of work-related MSDs. Objective: Provide the structure of and rationale for an "extended care team" within primary care for the management of work-related MSDs. Methods: A systematic literature search, combining medical subject headings and keywords, were used to examine eight peer-reviewed literature databases. Gray literature, such as government documents, were also used. Results: An extended care team would likely consist of at least nine stakeholders within primary care. Among these stakeholders, advanced practice orthopedic physical therapists can offer particularly focused guidance to PCPs on the evaluation and treatment of work-related MSDs. Conclusions: A multidimensional approach has the potential to accelerate access and improve quality of work-related outcomes, while maintaining patient safety.
Loading recommendations for resistance training are typically prescribed along what has come to be known as the "repetition continuum", which proposes that the number of repetitions performed at a given magnitude of load will result in specific adaptations. Specifically, the theory postulates that heavy load training optimizes increases maximal strength, moderate load training optimizes increases muscle hypertrophy, and low-load training optimizes increases local muscular endurance. However, despite the widespread acceptance of this theory, current research fails to support some of its underlying presumptions. Based on the emerging evidence, we propose a new paradigm whereby muscular adaptations can be obtained, and in some cases optimized, across a wide spectrum of loading zones. The nuances and implications of this paradigm are discussed herein.
- M. Tanimoto
- H. Madarame
- N. Ishii
We investigated the acute effects of "Kaatsu" resistance exercise and other types of exercise on muscle oxygenation and plasma growth hormone. Six young male bodybuilders performed leg extension exercise according to four exercise regimens: low-intensity [∼30% of one repetition maximum (1RM)] exercise with moderate occlusion (LO-Kaatsu), low-intensity (∼50% 1RM) exercise with slow movement and tonic force generation (3 s for lowering and 3 s for lifting actions, 1-s pause, and no relaxing phase; LST), low-intensity (same as LST) isometric exercise at 45° knee angle (ISO), and high-intensity (∼80% 1RM) exercise with normal movement speed (HN), commonly used for gaining muscular size and strength. The muscle oxygenation level measured with near-infrared continuous-wave spectroscopy (NIRcws) showed the largest changes during and after LO-Kaatsu among all regimens. The minimum oxygenation level during LO-Kaatsu was the lowest among the four exercise regimens. On the other hand, the increases in muscle oxygenation after LO-Kaatsu were the largest among the four regimens. Plasma GH and blood lactate concentrations after LO-Kaatsu, LST and HN were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those after ISO, but there were no significant differences among those after LO-Kaatsu, LST and HN. The results indicate that "Kaatsu" resistance exercise causes marked changes in muscle oxygenation level and circulating growth hormone, both of which may be related to muscular hypertrophy.
A total of 117 Japanese subjects (62 men and 55 women) volunteered for the study. Subcutaneous adipose tissue (AT) and muscle thicknesses were measured by B-mode ultrasonography at nine sites of the body. Body density (BD) was determined the hydrodensitometry. Reproducibility of thickness measurements by ultrasonography was high (r = 0.96–0.99). Correlations between AT thickness and BD ranged from −0.46 (gastrocnemius) to −0.87 (abdomen) for males and −0.46 (gastrocnemius) to −0.84 (abdomen) for females. A higher negative correlation (r = −0.89) was observed for the sum of AT thicknesses (forearm, biceps, triceps, abdomen, subscapula, quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior) both in males and in females. Slightly lower coefficients were observed between muscle thickness and LBM (r = 0.36 to r = 0.70 for males and r = 0.44 to r = 0.55 for females). Prediction equations for BD and LBM from AT and muscle thickness were obtained by multiple regression analysis. Cross-validation on a separate sample (33 men and 44 women) showed an accurate prediction for BD. The present findings suggest that B-mode ultrasonography can be applied in clinical assessment and field surveys. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Four hundred M-mode echocardiographic surveys were distributed to determine interobserver variability in M-mode echocardiographic measurements. This was done with a view toward examining the need and determining the criteria for standardization of measurement. Each survey consisted of five M-mode echocardiograms with a calibration marker, measured by the survey participants anonymously. The echoes were judged of adequate quality for measurement of structures. Seventy-six of the 400 (19%) were returned, allowing comparison of interobserver variability as well as examination of the measurement criteria which were used. Mean measurements and percent uncertainty were derived for each structure for each criterion of measurement. For example, for the aorta, 33% of examiners measured the aorta as an outer/inner or leading edge dimension, and 20% measured it as an outer/outer dimension. The percent uncertainty for the measurement (1.97 SD divided by the mean) showed a mean of 13.8% for the 25 packets of five echoes measured using the former criteria and 24.2% using the latter criteria. For ventricular chamber and cavity measurements, almost one-half of the examiners used the peak of the QRS and one-half of the examiners used the onset of the QRS for determining end-diastole. Estimates of the percent of measurement uncertainty for the septum, posterior wall and left ventricular cavity dimension in this study were 10--25%. They were much higher (40--70%) for the right ventricular cavity and right ventricular anterior wall. The survey shows significant interobserver and interlaboratory variation in measurement when examining the same echoes and indicates a need for ongoing education, quality control and standardization of measurement criteria. Recommendations for new criteria for measurement of M-mode echocardiograms are offered.
- J D MacDougall
- G R Ward
- D G Sale
- J R Sutton
Nine healthy subjects were studied under control conditions and following 5 mo of heavy resistance training and 5 wk of immobilization in elbow casts. Needle biopsies were taken from triceps brachii and analyzed for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), creatine (C), creatine phosphate (CP, and glycogen concentrations. Training resulted in an 11% increase in arm circumference and a 28% increase in maximal elbow extension strength. Immobilization resulted in decreases in arm circumference and elbow extension strength of 5% and 35%, respectively. Training also resulted in significant increases in resting concentrations of muscle creatine (by 39%), CP (by 22%), ATP (by 18%), and glycogen (by 66%). Conversely, immobilization significantly reduced CP concentration by 25% and glycogen concentration by 40%. It was concluded that heavy-resistance training results in increases in muscle energy reserves which may be reversed by a period of immobilization-induced disuse.
- F Bonde-Petersen
- A L Mork
- E Nielsen
The endurance during sustained contraction of elbow, flexors, elbow extensors, and back extensors was tested in 3 human subjects. The force level used was varied between ca. 15 and ca. 75% of maximal isometric strength (IS). The clearance of 133Xe from contracting muscles was registered during and after the endurance test. In this way it was possible to determine whether muscle blood flow (MBF) was increased or had stopped during the contraction. Experiments with artificial ischaemia of the upper arm together with MBF measurements showed that MBF was of no importance for continuing sustained contractions above a certain force level, which was 50,25, and 40% of IS for elbow flexors, elbow extensors and back extensors, respectively. However, the level, where longer lasting ( greater than 15 min) sustained contraction is possible is directly related to MBF. These levels were 22, 15, and 20% IS for elbow flexors, elbow extensors, and back extensors, respectively.
- B Chance
- M. T. Dait
- Cheng-Duo Zhang
- FF Hagerman
A simple muscle tissue spectrophotometer is adapted to measure the recovery time (TR) for hemoglobin/myoglobin (Hb/Mb) desaturation in the capillary bed of exercising muscle, termed a deoxygenation meter. The use of the instrument for measuring the extent of deoxygenation is presented, but the use of TR avoids difficulties of quantifying Hb/Mb saturation changes. The TR reflects the balance of oxygen delivery and oxygen demand in the localized muscles of the quadriceps following work near maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) in elite male and female rowers (a total of 22) on two occasions, 1 yr apart. TR ranged from 10 to 80 s and was interpreted as a measure of the time for repayment of oxygen and energy deficits accumulated during intense exercise by tissue respiration under ADP control. The Hb/Mb resaturation times provide a noninvasive localized indication of the degree of O2 delivery stress as evoked by rowing ergometry and may provide directions for localized muscle power output improvement for particular individuals in rowing competitions.
In order to examine the contribution of neuromuscular activity to the slow increase in VO2 during heavy exercise, integrated electromyogram (iEMG) of dominant working muscle and VO2 was compared in seven subjects during constant-load cycling exercise at the intensity of 10% below and 30% above ventilatory threshold (VT) for seven minutes. VO2 and iEMG after 4th min in above VT test was significantly correlated (r = 0.53, p less than 0.01) and VO2/iEMG was constant after 4th min, indicating coupling of iEMG with VO2. The results suggested that the slow increase in VO2 during heavy exercise may result from the changes in the recruitment pattern of motor units.
- M. L. Pollock
- Joan F. Carroll
- J. E. Graves
To evaluate the effects of 26 wk of aerobic and resistance training on the incidence of injury and program adherence in 70- to 79-yr-old men and women, 57 healthy volunteers (25 males, 32 females) were randomly assigned to a walk/jog (W/J, N = 21), strength (STREN, N = 23), or control (CONT, N = 13) group. Walk/jog training was for 30-45 min, 3 d.wk-1 with intensity equal to 40-70% heart rate max reserve (HRmax reserve) during the first 13 wk, and 75-85% HRmax reserve for weeks 14-26. STREN training consisted of one set (10-12 repetitions) each of 10 variable resistance exercises performed to volitional fatigue. Forty-nine of the original participants completed the training program. Walk/jog training increased VO2max from 22.5 to 27.1 (P less than or equal to 0.05) while STREN and CONT showed no change. STREN improved significantly in chest press and leg extension strength (P less than or equal to 0.05) while W/J and CONT showed no change. Adherence to training was 20/23 (87%) and 17/21 (81%) in STREN and W/J, respectively. One repetition maximum (1-RM) strength testing resulted in 11 injuries in the 57 subjects (19.3%) while STREN training resulted in only two injuries in 23 subjects (8.7%). Walk training during weeks 1-13 resulted in one injury in 21 subjects (4.8%). Eight of 14 subjects (57%) who began jogging intervals at week 14 incurred an injury: two of eight (25%) of the men and all of the women (6 of 6). All W/J training injuries were to the lower extremity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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